[VIRTUAL] Nisei Radicals: A Book Launch and Conversation with Diane Fujino and Mitsuye Yamada

In her new book, Nisei Radicals: The Feminist Poetics and Transformative Ministry of Mitsuye Yamada and Michael Yasutake, Diane Fujino, Professor of Asian American Studies and Assoicate Dean and Faculty Equity Advisor for the Division of Social Sciences, reveals a radical lineage of Japanese American activism through the lives of feminist poet, Mitsuye Yamada and her brother, Michael Yasutake.

In honor of women’s history month, Diane Fujino will discuss her book and the role that Mitsuye Yamada’s political activism played in building the Asian American and US Third World women’s movements and support for political prisoners. After presenting her book, Fujino will be joined by Yamada for a discussion about the ways her poetry intertwines with her personal life, while also illuminating Japanese American women’s lives, and about the importance of speaking out against racism.

Thursday, March 25, 6:00 pm (PST)

Presented by Densho with Elliott Bay Book Company and the University of Washington Press. Funding for this event was provided, in part, by the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture.

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News Date: 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021