What are Divisional Facilitators?
Divisional Facilitators are tenured faculty members within the Division of Social Sciences who are deeply committed to mentoring faculty and who will follow through with the program requirements.
They are responsible for leading the following activities over the academic year.
1) Lead a peer group of approximately 4-5 assistant professors, assistant teaching professors, and/or new incoming faculty
2) Facilitate discussions with their peer group members around different professional topics of interest (e.g., sharing research ideas and receiving feedback, merit and promotion, advising grad students, teaching strategies and resources, work-life balance, grant writing, managing stress and rejection)
3) Direct group members to information and resources that can help them fulfill their goals
4) Introduce group members to others on campus who can help them fulfill their goals
5) Initiate peer group meetings and coordinate the meeting dates, times, and locations
6) Attend an in-person social event hosted by the Faculty Mentoring Program once per quarter
7) Meet with their peer group at least twice per quarter (can be done remotely or in person on campus or over a meal)
How does the Division recognize Divisional Facilitators for their service to the Mentoring Program?
Divisional Facilitators receive summer % salary, and the Dean recognizes their significant service contributions when reviewing their merit case.
How do I become a Divisional Facilitator?
Each summer, an announcement is sent to all incoming faculty and all assistant professors in the Division inviting them to join the Faculty Mentoring Program. Afterwards, the Director of the Faculty Mentoring Program assigns assistant professors to peer groups and invite tenured faculty in the Division to be Divisional Facilitators.
If you are interested in being a Divisional Facilitator, please contact the Program Director (Dr. Nadège T. Clitandre, nclitandre@global.ucsb.edu) at any time in the year to express interest in becoming a Divisional Facilitator.